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This document has been retrieved from 2 years ago, some information may be missing or inaccurate.

Nexity: The Beginning

06/10/2018: Nexity have joined the mindustry
06/23/2018: Nexity got banned from (mindustry official server)
10/28/2018: Anuke noticed Nexity
11/23/2018: Nexity continue griefing
~~Nexity disappeared from Mindustry and back 1 years later~~
~~Spending entire years in roblox~~
10/14/2019: Nexity came back to mindustry
10/29/2019: Nexity and Sylvia found the o7 by setting an oil lake in an mindustry server to fire
10/30/2019: Sylvia choose to use 'o7' as tag "[Fire o7]"

o7 Fire: The Rise

~~First Evasion Client~~
Itzbenz found a way to evade ban/kick system which is annoying and began to research.
Due to the nature of mindustry source code, it's easy to understand how the uuid system work.
After some research we found that mindustry rellied on MAC address, so we use
VPN and MAC Changer and manage to evade ban and hack, until we realize MAC Changer is too long to change the MAC address itself and disconnecting internet (The whole process take 1-2 minute); we found a way to modify code and build an modified grief client.
~~Epic buffer overflow~~
11/17/2019: Crasher exploit accidentaly found by Itzbenz while researching uuid
11/17/2019: Itzbenz give a copy of the crasher client
11/17/2019: Nexity crashing every mindustry server in existance and the whole community take a notice
11/17/2019: First traitor (old day spy); was revealed and reporting the crash to Anuke (ItzBlacky
11/17/2019: Nexity evading the blame by saying "Its not me, i already give away the client"
11/17/2019: Itzbenz evading the blame by staying in the shadow
11/17/2019: The whole community still on freak by saying "BAN EVERYONE"
~~The chaos lasted 4 hour~~
~~o7 became famous for griefing~~
11/29/2019: The community realizing Nexity is the fire o7 leader
11/29/2019: The community view o7 is bad guy because of griefing
~~Enemy of o7~~
After that event the community rally up to destroy o7
GCC (Griefer Cleanup Crew) Founder: GalaticPirate;
We already send spy to their discord server at founding day, so we held some advantages
The founder it self ask for copy of the client and we threatened by copyright
We said "The heck is copyright", and we manage to neutralize it.

o7 Fire: The Accident

~~The Spy Fear~~
After some community decided to attack o7, the server is filled with spy and nexity decided to invite Anuke Contributor which make the situation bad, the client is ceased due to many spy want the client, the server design is very flawed compared to the current server.
Due to lot of spies activity we decided to background check everyone (really bad idea);,
and doing some counterintelligence and intelligence, we sending our own spy and alt to another server to gather info.
Hell break loose there is so many spy that we start build another server with trusted people.
-We manage to gather some info from AGV and GCC (which lead to spy war).
-Neutralize GCC threat
-Cleaning up the server from spy
-Protect o7 client source code
The Lead Researcher8/2/2020, 2:13:58 PM
12/10/2019: Accidentally delete the main server
12/14/2019: Nexity leave to get some holiday
~~Server became into passive mode and Sylvia don't do much
31/12/2019: Iczero spam ping o7 founder for 12 hour as part of new year (also mark for start of pandemic that lasted 2 years caused by undercooked bat and eaten by some chinese that give us time to reorganize ourself)
Nexity almost die from that holiday from being someone trying to kill him with knife
After 2 month of griefing/raiding the group went silent.

Current position of o7 1/1/2020:
Owner Main Server: Nexity
Leader: Nexity
Co-Leader: Sylvia 
DOIPV Chairman: Miller 
Total Agent: 1-3
Member Count: 6-12
Nexity8/2/2020, 2:16:53 PM
7/1/2020: o7 Reichminister recruited guards to keep everything in shape. Pictures of guard showed below

Nexity8/2/2020, 2:20:22 PM
2/08/2020: not purple and tutorialgaming were kicked and banned from o7 for releasing classified documents.

2/14/2020: o7 went into break mode and stopped griefing for a while as the uuid changer got patched. Everything was calm and o7 was forgotten, but remembered by the elite mindustry players.
[CLASSIFIED]: McMiller made a trello to store info in case o7 discord server gets invaded / deleted. It will later be forgotten because of the defence of o7 increasing.
10/2/2020: 2nd incursion begins. Public server list became a thing any people are able to easily join servers. New players filtering in and out of servers. New players dont know about o7 and complains about griefers but its the same one. Veteran players know about o7 but cant convince new players.
The Lead Researcher8/2/2020, 2:26:36 PM
2/8/2020: Second incursion just begun with some support from the other faction

2/12/2020, 11:36:22 PM: USMP and o7 launch a raid against followed by several video propaganda to weaken morale
Nexity8/2/2020, 2:33:23 PM
21/2/2020: Nexity obtained admin status on io and caused mass destruction on the server. Fuzzbuck revokes admin from the uuid after griefs from nexity.

23/2/2020: Nexity deletes the main (third) server. Main server transferred to second o7 site hosted by Provet.

Access: transfer main server to second o7 site
[CLASSIFIED]: Sylvia steps down as Reichminister, becoming inactive in griefs.

o7-Fire Expansion

~~DOIPV Expansion~~
Due to uuid being patched, spy still around and public still look o7 really bad, DOIPV decided to expand its wing by introducing (Public Enlightment and Propaganda), (Research & Development);

Public Enlightment and Propaganda: For controlling people mind and support our o7 activity
Research & Development: Researching client, exploit, and responsible for zero-day attack on mindustry server.

2/21/2020: o7 Extremist AKA Tofu AKA Dofuscan became step up to become minister of public enlightment and propaganda o7 since we didn't have propaganda '
//After this date o7 enacted stealth policy due to high activity of spy

Current position of o7 2/~~/2020:
Owner Main Server: Miller
Leader: Nexity
Co-Leader: Sylvia (Inactive)
DOIPV Chairman: Miller 
DOIPV Co-Chairman: Dofuscan
DOIPV Agent: 2-4
Total Member Count: 10-16
Nexity8/2/2020, 2:39:22 PM
3/15/2020: Coronavirus spreads, causing a mass quarantine. This allowed o7 to become more active again. Miller experimented with the source code of the game and made some exploits. New recruiters are invited to o7 and griefed servers with the command of Nexity.
The Lead Researcher8/2/2020, 2:47:41 PM
~~Thanks covid-19 and Iczero~~
March 2020:
Due to global outbreak and Goverment enforce quaratine, we have plenty time left for online activity, especially research and development team and thanks to iczero we don't have to waste our time to make modified client from starch, we can alter this client to our purpose but still we can't break uuid sytem due to its hidden nature.
We using anti griefer client and griefer list to recruit griefer
3/31/2020: UUID Dupe wreak havoc on mindustry client after anuke change uuid generation system, a lot of innocent player were false banned, can't join the server, and getting make moderator team confused.'

Current position of o7 3/~~/2020:
Owner Main Server: Provet
Leader: Nexity
Co-Leader: Sylvia (Inactive)
DOIPV Chairman: Miller 
DOIPV Co-Chairman: Dofuscan
DOIPV Agent: 3-5
Total Member Count: 15-19
Nexity8/2/2020, 2:52:32 PM

The Raider

Task: Mass raid on io
Objective: Take down servers playerbase
Access: New recruits invited to o7
4/27/2020: Nexity experiments with coding and makes chat spammer and kick bypasser with researhers team. Messages were spammed across servers and people were getting false votekicked. Nexity gained a negative reputation while people were getting recruited into o7.

Access: Nexitys status added as researcher.

Access: Provets status added as Archive Manager
Reason: No reason given.
The Lead Researcher8/2/2020, 3:00:46 PM
4/14/2020: DOIPV Co-Chairman find lifetime vpn stock which is actually working
~~UUID research~~
May 5 2020:
After 3 month of research we finally found the code for generating uuid with help from Co-Lead Researcher 'Anuked' and Lead Researcher 'Provet'
its was 1 line 5786 code of line by using java dark magic (Reflection); 
its use java reflection magic to override current existing packet handler,
we use the same magic to override override packet handler which is really easy after spending 3 month learning java, the reason why the uuid is 16 char long because there is CRC checksum to prevent old packet/ random packet being accepted to server, the file location of the uuid generation system located in "core\build\generated\sources\annotationProcessor\java\main\mindustry\gen\" which we already visit it almost 20 times (we didn't realize it was uuid generator ') and by using Refactor we able to read the code clearly, it use (Android ID) for android, (wmic DISKDRIVE SERIALNUMBER, wmic CSPRODUCT get UUID, and some nasty temp file which is too obvious) for windows and (Username hash, temp file in userdata) for other os.


~~Rise of GFD Branch~~
After UUID bypasser client builded we rallying up with GFD (Griefer Fire Department); with the GFD Chairman Nexity and the Co-Chairman Volas to prevent from capitalist and class division especially in io where thing get corrupted viewed from GFD prespective, GFD declaring war on io now with the help of advance client from DOIPV branch, DOIPV don't dare to give its latest tech so the client is stripped version. With member only 6-10 GFD using help from DOPIV which is bot can do single raid in less than a minute, with no vpn since the stock is empty.
Current position of o7 5/~~/2020:
Owner Main Server: Provet
Leader: Nexity
Co-Leader: Sylvia (Inactive)
DOIPV Chairman: Miller 
DOIPV Co-Chairman: Dofuscan
DOIPV Agent: 4-7
GFD Chairman: Nexity
GFD Co-Chairman: Volas
GFD Member: 6-12
Total Member Count: 25-36
The Lead Researcher8/2/2020, 3:26:58 PM
~~The GFD IO Operation~~
Lack of intelligence and lack of member making the situation seem impossible for the GFD, and on the other side io moderator crew overhelmed by the bot and the daily report for nexity bot is ramp up, both side forced to negotiate which held in Peace Treaty of Volas' Feet on the io side are Pyronie(which is deny the the peace and doing existential crisis which is edgy af); Overtoad(Pissed off because he do the heavy lifting of the moderation team); Photemy(Dont do anything); and on the GFD side Volas(threatening io to sign the treaty); Nexity(Retard af); and on the witness side Router(leave); EchoVespy(Want get into history); Miller(Writing down the treaty).
after 1-2 days of debate its concluded that io won't accept the treaty. Possible reason(io prespective): We can't fulfill the demand because its basically forget everything that happend and revert it into normal state. DOIPV saw an opportunity, they know that if overtoad get caught by fuzz by surrendering to the GFD he gonna get demoted and that what Photemy and Pyronie for, and the result Overtoad get demoted. DOIPV prefer long term plan over short term plan for the operation against io, and so GFD still on the long term plan now.


~~The o7 coup d'etat~~
Following GFD operation failure, mutiple intelligence aarchive breach by Nexity and our client disastifaction, we decided we had enough with this retardness, DOIPV which is responsible for the coup d'etat against Nexity regime and DOIPV also make several change to o7 commands structure.
Current position of o7 6/14/2020:
Owner Main Server: Provet
Leader: Miller
Co-Leader: Sylvia (Inactive)
DOIPV Chairman: Miller 
DOIPV Co-Chairman: Dofuscan
DOIPV Agent: 4-7
GFD Chairman: Nexity
GFD Co-Chairman: Volas
GFD Member: 9-18
Member Count: 48
Peace Treaty of Volas' Feet

Why the deal can't be made (io side):
1. Wait for plugin, early month
2. Moderator can't do anything ?
3. Don't use alt ??? 
4. DDoS is becoming increasingly inefficient
5. How are u going to accomplish that(If the deal is violated(GFD))
6. Doesn't care
7. Fuzz is going to say no ???

If the deal is violated or canceled(GFD Side):
1. We launch full scale bot attack
2. No more peace talk
3. We gonna add it to memes
4. DDoS is waiting
5. The attack last until 6.0
6. Crashing player
7. Using the ssh key to destroy server
8. Buying .io domain

If the deal is violated or canceled(io Side):
1. Permanent ban(no appeal ?)

Deal io side:
-Wait for plugin
-Unbanning all of us both discord and mindustry ??

Deal GFD side:
- No more raid & grief

Yes - Overtoad            -io
No  - Phothemy            -io
No  - Not Pyronie         -io

Yes - VolasYouknow        -GFD
Yes - The /v/ Leader      -GFD
Yes - Nexity              -GFD

- Oh God Not The Belt -PHD
- Router              -USMP
- Miller              -o7

Outcome: No
user088deubcf45d8/2/2020, 4:20:02 PM
Nexity8/2/2020, 4:26:20 PM

Task: Release o7 client
Objective: cause chaos to all servers

Description: o7 client gets released to the public through itzbenz github. People speculate it is a spyware. People were afraid to download it, thus nothing was accomplished by this.
The Lead Researcher8/2/2020, 4:51:44 PM
~~The Release of Client Source Code~~
Its revealed that after releasing the source code people still thought it has spyware it in which is indeed right but the code is never executed, by doing this we know how stupid the community  became, DOIPV saw an opportunity by controlling the fear of the community we can do whatever we want (source: o7-Trello-Physiological-Warfare).

Washing Campaign

~~Carefully Edited Truth Campaign~~
Supposed to get rid of the spy but its suffering from success, the effect is being multiplied by "Famous Yet Idiot Expert" that just read the code and start freak out.le/

by inducing fear on the spy they gonna afraid to touch the client back then we have a lot of client so you need to test which one is right one. it went smoothly until the spy start spitting info on the "Famous Yet Idiot Expert".
Nexity8/2/2020, 4:53:03 PM
The Lead Researcher8/3/2020, 12:26:28 AM
Codename: Breaking Eye
Method: Reverse Engineering, Packets Capturing, Anti-Cheat Emulation
Start Date: 22/07/2020
First Successful Testing Date: 27/07/2020
Description: Emulating battleye Anti-Cheat software, battleye communicate in simple way there is only 5 packet to emulate battleye ping packet, init packet, start packet, request/responses packet. by emulating all packet we can trick battleye server into thinking that battleye client is actually running  while in fact its even not installed. To do full emulation we must do packet capturing first which is unique to each device and can't be replicated.
The Lead Researcher8/3/2020, 12:37:21 AM
when @Nexity get coup d'etat ed
The Nietchez8/3/2020, 12:50:03 AM
idiot stop putting false info in this holy channel
The Nietchez8/3/2020, 1:21:55 AM
and stop releasing the info
from here
The Lead Researcher8/3/2020, 1:33:05 AM
@Nexity its 7/5/2020 when the client is released
where the drama come from
The Lead Researcher8/3/2020, 7:00:11 AM
Position of o7 as 08/03/2020:
Owner Main Server: Provet
Leader: Nexity/Miller
Co-Leader: Sylvia (Inactive)
DOIPV Chairman: Miller 
DOIPV Co-Chairman: Dofuscan
DOIPV Agent: 3-7
GFD Chairman: Nexity
GFD Co-Chairman: Volas
GFD Member: 12-24
Member Count: 74
The Better Cat8/3/2020, 9:47:06 AM
wait i havent saw this channel either
The Lead Researcher8/3/2020, 9:47:27 AM
you just suffer memory loss
The Lead Researcher8/3/2020, 4:51:29 PM
Nexity Administrative Order 0x01:
Action: Reposisition ZacBytes from Commisionnaire position to Diplomat
Reason: Doing nothing 
Nexity8/3/2020, 4:58:01 PM
[CLASSIFIED]: CN griefed by o7 members, as challenged by someone.

The Lead Researcher8/4/2020, 6:09:42 AM
Position of o7 as 08/04/2020:
Owner Main Server: Provet

Leader: Nexity/Miller
Co-Leader: Sylvia (Inactive)

DOIPV Chairman: Miller 
DOIPV Co-Chairman: Dofuscan
DOIPV Agent: 4-9

MPPE Chairman: Dofuscan
MPPE Co-Chairman: Volas
MPPE Agent: 6-12

GFD Chairman: Nexity
GFD Co-Chairman: Volas
GFD Member: 12-24

Total Member Count: 74
The Nietchez8/4/2020, 11:47:39 AM

Nexity8/4/2020, 1:12:39 PM
Access: Remove Dofuscan from Reichminister and Arabulucu position
Reason: Only does DOIPV job
Progress: Awaiting approval from administrative department
Progress: Denied
Reason: normal emotional responses
The Lead Researcher8/7/2020, 11:38:49 AM
08/06/2020: Nexity PC officialy dead (Current prediction: back in a month) (Actual Prediction: 2 week)
Nexity8/8/2020, 11:46:13 AM
Nexity: deceased
Miller is now the lead administrator
The Lead Researcher8/8/2020, 11:47:02 AM
The Lead Researcher8/13/2020, 11:11:30 AM
08/09/2020: the conflict of escalated until Router open a pull request to remove from the global list
14/09/2020: With nowhere near refrendum the pull request conversation turn into war section
14/09/2020: There is atleast 5 people that registred 1 day ago and start defending argument at pull request
14/09/2020: Comment almost reaching 100 on pull request
14/09/2020: USMP launched a raid against server
Nexity8/13/2020, 12:15:16 PM
seems like my time to intervene
The Nietchez8/14/2020, 12:10:36 AM
14/09/2020: Comment surpassed 100 more than any pull request 
14/09/2020: Expert say the defender maybe payed by someone due to accounts age that really low
The Lead Researcher8/14/2020, 12:11:49 AM
14/09/2020: Stll no intervention from anuke or any referendum

Internal Report

The Lead Researcher8/16/2020, 4:42:47 AM
Position of o7 as 09/16/2020:
Owner Main Server: Provet

Leader: Nexity/Miller
Co-Leader: Sylvia (Inactive)

DOIPV Chairman: Itzbenz
DOIPV Co-Chairman: Provet
DOIPV Agent: 4-10

MPPE Chairman: Volas
MPPE Co-Chairman: Itzbenz
MPPE Agent: 6-12

GFD Chairman: Nexity
GFD Co-Chairman: Volas
GFD Member: 12-24

Total Member Count: 75
The Lead Researcher8/21/2020, 10:52:12 AM

The Lead Researcher8/22/2020, 4:26:59 AM

#November 2019
DJ Shiro#9630 joined discord because nexity forcing every member to use discord

The Isolation

08/23/2020: ACT-IX Isolationism Policy Initiated
The Lead Researcher8/26/2020, 5:53:36 AM
08/26/2020: The Sciency GamerYT#1245 Deceased
The Lead Researcher8/30/2020, 3:50:10 AM

DOPIV Security Index Report                  08/30/2020
0 = Avoid at all cost, 1 = Unsafe, 10 = Safe

All-HQ                                           1
o7-Main-Server-o7                                8
o7-Main-Server-Community                         3
o7-Main-Server-Border                            4
o7-Mindustry                                     4
o7-GFD                                           2
o7-AOD                                           4
o7-MPPE                                          0
o7-DOIPV                                         1

Average                                          3

Recommendation: Nothing/Troll the spy
Nexity8/30/2020, 7:28:10 AM
Some guy leaked the WIP website code for new login system. Fortunately, has a special rewind feature so we were able to get back the lost progress in minutes. Lesson learnt: none, going to do it again in the future.